A nurse walks with two nurse administrators who received a Master of Nursing.
MSN Admission Requirements and Courses

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Lincoln, NE 68504
(402) 827-1554
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MSN Admission Requirements and Courses

The Master of Science in Nursing (B.S.N.-M.S.N.) degree can be completed in 18 months to about three years. The curriculum has two major areas: 1) The Nurse as Educator, and 2) The Nurse as Leader, Manager, and Entrepreneur. Content integrated throughout the curriculum includes transcultural nursing, ethics, research, and application of knowledge and skills as an educator or nursing leader.

Admission Requirements

To be considered for admission to the Master of Science in Nursing program, students must meet all general graduate admission requirements of Nebraska Wesleyan University, as well as the following specific admissions requirements of the MSN program:

  • A baccalaureate nursing degree from a program accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN), Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE), or Commission for Nursing Education Accreditation (CNEA)
  • A cumulative undergraduate grade point average of 3.0 or above 
  • An undergraduate research or evidence-based practice course
  • An unencumbered active Nebraska or compact state nursing license with expiration date
  • Successful completion of a background check, drug screen, immunization tracker, and essential functions form.

NURS 5010 Professional Communication in Nursing (1 hour)

This course includes experiences and instruction that promote professional communication. Content includes correct utilization of the American Psychological Association (APA) style, construction of professional papers and emails, and using common presentation software. This course is designed to be taken either concurrently or before the first nursing course in which the student is enrolled at Nebraska Wesleyan University.

NURS 5020 Health Care Statistics (3 hours)

This course examines selected concepts needed to develop sound judgment about data analysis and appropriate use of statistics. The course prepares students to interpret and critically analyze the results of health care research.

NURS 5050 Research and Evidence Based Practice in Nursing and Health Care (3 hours)

This course focuses on quantitative and qualitative research areas and methods used in health care. Analysis of the research process and application of research findings to health care will be emphasized. Students will design a best practice proposal related to an identified problem in nursing, health outcomes of a specific population or nursing education. At the end of the course students will have completed a literature review and methods section for a research project.
Prerequisite(s): Admission to the MSN or MSN/MBA program and NURS 5020 Health Care Statistics, or permission of the Nursing Department Chair or Program Director.
Pre or corequisite(s): NURS 5010 Professional Communication in Nursing.

NURS 5100 Transcultural Health Care (3 hours)

This course analyzes the social, political, economic and cultural factors related to transcultural health care. Students will examine the interactions of consumers, providers and health care systems in the provision of quality health care with an emphasis on provision of culturally competent care.
Prerequisite(s): Admission to the MSN, MSN/MBA, or MBA program or permission of Nursing Department Chair or Program Director.
Pre or corequisite(s): NURS 5010 Professional Communication in Nursing.

NURS 5120 Advanced Nursing Practice (3 hours)

This course will emphasize the integration and application of advanced health assessment techniques, evidence-based pharmacology practices and knowledge of pathophysiology to promote excellent direct patient care. The course is organized using the top mortality and morbidity categories for the United States of America, as well as the social determinants of health. This course incorporates ethical and cultural considerations across the life span. The 45-contact hour Clinical Practicum provides an opportunity for students to deliver direct patient care at the master's level to strengthen his/her patient care delivery skills. Faculty and preceptors facilitate clinical practice experiences that focus on complex assessment and treatment of clients. Students will present direct patient care findings from a variety of settings.
Prerequisite(s): Admission to the MSN or MSN/MBA program or permission of Nursing Department Chair or Program Director.
Pre or corequisite(s): NURS 5010 Professional Communication in Nursing.

NURS 5150 Concepts and Theories in Nursing (3 hours)

This course examines selected concepts and theories that are derived from nursing and other disciplines for applicability to practice in a variety of health care settings. Strategies used in applying and evaluating nursing theories in relation to providing care will be discussed.
Prerequisite(s): Admission to the MSN or MSN/MBA program or permission of the Nursing Department Chair or Program Director.
Pre or corequisite(s): NURS 5010 Professional Communication in Nursing.

NURS 5200 Critical Issues in Health Care (3 hours)

This course examines multiple factors affecting the provision of care in an ever-changing health care system. The U.S. health policy-making system; ethical, legal, and political aspects of health care; and health care delivery systems will be explored, particularly in relation to their impact on nursing practice and nurses' ability to provide care. A historical perspective will facilitate a) identification of critical issues, b) understanding of how they developed to their current status, and c) examination of what options might exist for current and future resolution of these issues.
Prerequisite(s): Admission to the MSN or MSN/MBA program or permission of Nursing Department Chair or Program Director.
Pre or corequisite(s): NURS 5010 Professional Communication in Nursing.

NURS 5400 Nursing Leadership and Management I (3 hours)

This course examines the multiple roles of the nurse executive in a variety of health care organizations, including long term care, community based care, hospitals and larger integrated delivery systems. Students develop knowledge in the area of health care regulations and accreditation including the impact of technology in the health care environment.
Prerequisite(s): Admission to the MSN or MSN/MBA program and permission of the Nursing department chair or program director.

Pre- or Corequisite(s): NURS 5010 Professional Communication in Nursing.

NURS 5410 Economic Policy in Health Care System (3 hours)

This course provides basic knowledge of macro- and micro-economics and their relationship to the health care system in the United States. Concepts associated with supply and demand, normative and positive economics, utility, scarcity, choice, and marginality are explored in terms of the health care system. The concept of health as an investment opportunity and as a consumer good is also explored. In addition, the United States health care system is studied from an economic point of view. Economic decision making in light of professional ethics is emphasized.

Prerequisite(s): Admission to the MSN or MSN/MBA program and permission of the Nursing department chair or program director.

Pre- or Corequisite(s): NURS 5010 Professional Communication in Nursing.

NURS 5420 Finance and Accounting in Health Care System (3 hours)

This course provides an overview of the concepts of financial analysis, financial and managerial accounting, and budgetary practices as they relate to the health care industry. Accounting concepts are understood with the assistance of electronic spreadsheet applications. Financial concepts are understood through the analysis of both for-profit and not-for-profit corporate accounting and public reporting.

Prerequisite(s): Admission to the MSN or MSN/MBA program and permission of the Nursing department chair or program director.

Pre- or Corequisite(s): NURS 5010 Professional Communication in Nursing.

NURS 5460 Nursing Leadership and Management II (3 hours)

This course examines the leadership role of the nurse executive in a variety of health care organizations. Content includes leadership theories, motivation, conflict resolution, workforce planning, implementing planned change and effective administration of culturally diverse health care systems.

Prerequisite(s): Admission to the MSN or MSN/MBA program and permission of the Nursing department chair or program director.

Pre- or Corequisite(s): NURS 5010 Professional Communication in Nursing.

NURS 5470 Practicum in Nursing Administration (3 hours)

This course provides the student with experience functioning within selected components of the role of the nurse executive in a variety of health care organizations, including long term care, community based care, hospitals, and larger integrated delivery systems. Students are paired with a nurse executive or case manager with a mutually agreed upon agency.  This course includes a 90-contact hour practicum experience.
Prerequisite(s): NURS 5200 Critical Issues in Health Care, NURS 5400 Nursing Leadership and Management I, NURS 5410 Economic Policy in Health Care System, NURS 5420 Finance and Accounting in Health Care System, and NURS 5460 Nursing Leadership and Management II.

NURS 5490 Nurse as Entrepreneur (3 hours)

This course presents information needed by a nurse entrepreneur to develop innovative forms of nursing practice and care delivery. Emphasis is placed on acquiring skills to develop a nursing business plan, including financial and legal components. Implementation of risk management and total quality improvement plans within the role of the small business setting are also covered.
Prerequisite(s): NURS 5420 Finance and Accounting in Health Care System.

NURS 5520 Curriculum Development in Nursing (3 hours)

This course focuses on the analysis and application of curriculum theory in the development and evaluation of programs in nursing education. Development of programs for continuing education for professionals and/or the public also is a component of the course.

Prerequisite(s): Admission to the MSN or MSN/MBA program and permission of the Nursing department chair or program director.

Pre- or Corequisite(s): NURS 5530 Nursing Education Roles and Methods.

NURS 5530 Nursing Education Roles and Methods (3 hours)

This course focuses on development of the nurse educator role and nursing applications methods used to support the learning process. Emphasis is placed on research-based practices in education through the application of models and theories. A wide selection of instructional methods appropriate for the higher education setting will be examined.

Prerequisite(s): Admission to the MSN or MSN/MBA program and permission of the Nursing department chair or program director.

Pre- or Corequisite(s): NURS 5010 Professional Communication in Nursing.

NURS 5560 Teaching Strategies, Assessment, and Evaluation (3 hours)

This face-to-face course focuses on teaching strategies to enhance the organization and the delivery of educational content. Assessment and evaluation of educational programs is also emphasized.

Prerequisite(s): Admission to the MSN or MSN/MBA program and permission of the Nursing department chair or program director.

Pre- or Corequisite(s): NURS 5520 Curriculum Development in Nursing.

NURS 5570 Program Planning in Nursing (3 hours)

Program Planning in Nursing provides instruction and practice in designing and implementing health education/health promotion programs. This course focuses on the analysis, application and evaluation of program planning.

Prerequisite(s): Admission to the MSN or MSN/MBA program and permission of the Nursing department chair or program director.

Pre- or Corequisite(s): NURS 5010 Professional Communication in Nursing.

NURS 5580 Online Education:Implement & Evaluation (3 hours)

This course provides the student with theoretical knowledge to support the development and implementation of online learning. Students will evaluate online nursing curriculum related to online educational principles and instructor competencies.

Prerequisite(s): Admission to the MSN or MSN/MBA program and permission of the Nursing department chair or program director.

Pre- or Corequisite(s): NURS 5560 Teaching Strategies, Assessment, and Evaluation.

NURS 5590 Professional Nurse Educator Practicum (3 hours)

This course will prepare the student for the role of nurse educator in both academic and clinical settings. Precepted practicum experiences will include working with an experienced nurse educator at the MSN level to complete a teaching project which promotes best practices and integrates teaching/learning theory into direct patient care. In addition to the main project, students will choose from the following opportunities such as staff development, academic classroom preparation and lecture, and academic clinical including simulation, or skills lab. This course is offered during a 16-week period, to fulfill the 135 practicum hours.

Prerequisite(s): NURS 5520 Curriculum Development in Nursing, NURS 5530 Nursing Education Roles and Methods, NURS 5560 Teaching Strategies, Assessment, and Evaluation, NURS 5570 Program Planning in Nursing, and NURS 5580 Online Education:Implement & Evaluation..

NURS 5880 IRB Submission (1 hour)

This course requires students to develop the major project proposal and submit the proposal to the Institutional Review Board. Projects may be implementation of evidence-based practice, quality improvement or research projects.

Prerequisite(s): NURS 5010 Professional Communication in Nursing, NURS 5020 Health Care Statistics, NURS 5050 Research and Evidence Based Practice in Nursing and Health Care, NURS 5150 Concepts and Theories in Nursing, or permission of the Nursing Department Chair or Program Director.

Pre or corequisite(s): NURS 5990 Major Project in Nursing.

NURS 5990 Major Project in Nursing (2 hours)

This course requires the student to develop the major project, collect and analyze data, complete the written project and disseminate the results of the project. Projects may be implementation of evidence based practice, quality improvement or research projects.
Prerequisite(s): NURS 5010 Professional Communication in Nursing, NURS 5020 Health Care Statistics, NURS 5050 Research and Evidence Based Practice in Nursing and Health Care, NURS 5100 Transcultural Health Care, or permission of the Nursing Department Chair or Program Director.

Pre or corequisite(s): NURS 5880 IRB Submission.